The asymmetric relation of work and income between the settled in Araraquara and the agro industry of the poultry sector


  • César Giordano Gêmero UNIARA
  • Oriowaldo Queda UNIARA



This article aims to analyze the relations of work and income that are established between the settled of the agrarian reform PA Horto de Bueno de Andrada – Araraquara/SP and the agro industry of the poultry sector. This relation is through production contracts, which regulate the system integration between parties. It is seen as a web of tensions, since the "partner of the chicken" can be characterized as lease and subordinate to agro industry, therefore against the precepts of the agrarian reform. Agro industry uses the facilities of the settlers and their labor to produce raw materials (birds) for processing and commercialization. Given this, the relation appears asymmetric, since agro industry have the power resources necessary to subordinate the work of settlers for their own benefit, changing the notion of partnership in the sense of mutual benefit and equality between parties.

Keywords: Agricultural Industries; Rural Settlement; Poultry; Integration.


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How to Cite

Gêmero, C. G., & Queda, O. (2013). The asymmetric relation of work and income between the settled in Araraquara and the agro industry of the poultry sector. Retratos De Assentamentos, 16(1), 275-308.



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