The early days of the Rural Settlement of Bela Vista do Chibarro: livelihood in the Tamoio Sugarcane Mill


  • Ângela Cristina Ribeiro Caires UNESP



The history of Bela Vista do Chibarro Settlement encompasses the history of Tamoio Sugarcane Mill, the former landowner of this land, where the settlement is currently located. On the basis of this fundamental fact, the purpose of this paper is to trace the history of Tamoio Mill, including the social group constituted by workers and residents, and thus the early days of Bela Vista do Chibarro Settlement. The workers and residents' experiences explored in the survey are key factors used to recover historical data. The challenging times that these individuals have faced in those lands have been taken into account in this study. Therefore, their memories and representations of past events served as tools for reconstructing their history with rich descriptions, full of interesting facts, events, and shared experiences. The Morganti era, from 1917 to 1969 (April), corresponding to the interval elapsing between the acquisition of the sugarcane mill by the Morganti Family and its sale to Silva Gordo Group, was highlighted in this investigation. During this period, the Tamoio Empire is reconstituted with respect to its objective and subjective aspects, through the complex social processes involving social relations and social practices of everyday life in their physical and social environments. Thus, in the light of these data, this study seeks to better understand the present.


Keywords: Bela Vista do Chibarro Settlement; Tamoio Mill; Social Relations.


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How to Cite

Caires, Ângela C. R. (2011). The early days of the Rural Settlement of Bela Vista do Chibarro: livelihood in the Tamoio Sugarcane Mill. Retratos De Assentamentos, 14(2), 95-130.



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