Lessons Learned on Family Farm and the Land Access: Dilemmas Faced by Organic Producers


  • Carlos Eduardo de Freitas Vian USP
  • Adilson Martins Andrade Júnior ESALQ/USP.
  • Daniel Grin ESALQ/USP
  • Michelle Godoy de Oliveira ESALQ/USP




Produtos Orgânicos, Certificação, Associativismo, Políticas Públicas


The broad objective of this research was to understand the difficulties
experienced by organic family-producers of Associação Comunitária Rural Alvorada (ACRA), located in Americana town, in the commercialization of their products including issues regarding the certification and labelling process as: (a) the validity of products' certification; (b) the appropriate organic regulatory body; and (c) the profitability achieved by working independently when selling their farm origin products direct to consumers and at local market, comparing this practice with several profiteers and retailers, aiming better families' income. It was held a primary research on certified organic products market in both Americana and Piracicaba towns and region, which showed the main commercialization paths, the identification of potential niche markets, and
consumers' willingness to pay better prices for these products. A data-collecting
was fulfilled with the consumers' profile from both towns, through the application of a questionnaire in outlets / retailers, supermarkets, and also within the ACRA surrounding regions. Retailers from such towns were interviewed with the purpose to identify point-of-sales interested in organic products compatible with the producers' profile investigated in the work. Data were matched up in a way that we were able to examine the difficulties faced by the small organic familyfarmers to marketing their products in the region of Americana and Piracicaba. Also it was useful to give context to the discussion about the boundaries on access land and the food production activity as income generator and recognition of the citizenship. This study concludes that the greatest problem of the small organic food production is the access to the market, since the efforts to obtain the certification, access supply and distribution chains, and maintain this position are the producers' major challenge.

Keywords: Organic Products; Certification; Associativism; Public Policies.


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How to Cite

Vian, C. E. de F., Júnior, A. M. A., Grin, D., & Oliveira, M. G. de. (2009). Lessons Learned on Family Farm and the Land Access: Dilemmas Faced by Organic Producers. Retratos De Assentamentos, 12(1), 137-166. https://doi.org/10.25059/2527-2594/retratosdeassentamentos/2009.v12i1.51



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